6th Grade Girls Results

Girls 100m Dash 6TH GRADE  - Finals 
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Heat
1    May, Adalyn             7 St. Joe Ost                        16.70   1
2    Marietta, Lillian       6 School Of The Magdalen             17.82   1
3    Hamilton, Beckley       6 School Of The Magdalen             17.90   1
4    Trujillio, Kendall      6 st. mary's derby ks                18.57   1

     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Heat
1    Ross, Natalie           6 St. Catherine of Sienna            16.75   2
2    Lezniak, Katie          6 SFA Vikings                        17.95   2
3    Fernandez, Sophia       6 Holy Cross Lutheran Eagles         18.48   2
4    Wiens, Avery            6 Holy Cross Lutheran Eagles         18.59   2
5    Mortada, Yasmina        6 Wichita Collegiate Middle Schl     18.93   2

     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Heat
1    Penka, Abby             6 St. Catherine of Sienna            16.77   3
2    Holliday, Allison       6 Resurrection Ravens                18.37   3
3    Russell, Audrey         6 SEAs                               18.45   3
4    Imhof, Marcella         6 Resurrection Ravens                18.49   3
5    Kelly , Isabella        6 St Jude                            19.33   3
6    Poliquin, Elanor        6 St. Peter Eagles                   19.42   3
7    McAninch, Aurora        6 SFA Vikings                        19.50   3

     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Heat
1    Florentin, Olivia       7 All Saints                         16.75   4
2    Barrera, Daisy          6 St. Peter Eagles                   16.99   4
3    Miller, Madison         6 St. Catherine of Sienna            17.82   4
4    MARTINEZ, ANDREA        6 St. Margaret Mary Tigers           18.18   4
5    AMAYA, GABRIELA         6 St. Margaret Mary Tigers           18.21   4
6    Torralbo, Brisa         6 st. mary's derby ks                18.32   4
7    Neal, Hope              5 Wichita Warriors                   18.90   4
8    Mahen, Isla             6 STA Raiders                        19.07   4

     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Heat
1    Tajchman, Olyve         7 All Saints                         17.17   5
2    Betterton, Izabella     6 STA Raiders                        17.33   5
3    Brogan, Neveah          6 Holy Spirit, Goddard               17.56   5
4    Payne, Emery            6 Wichita Collegiate Middle Schl     17.89   5
5    Sattler, Lilly          6 st. mary's derby ks                17.93   5
6    Issa, Deema             6 Wichita Collegiate Middle Schl     18.15   5
7    Coker, Jaicee           6 SEAs                               18.16   5
8    Jantzen, Ella           6 School Of The Magdalen             18.17   5

     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Heat
1    Stafford, Elsie         6 Blessed Sacrament                  15.22   6
2    Sullivan, Katie         6 Blessed Sacrament                  15.72   6
3    Sanders, Catherine      6 SFA Vikings                        15.72   6
4    Knipp, Kinsley          6 STA Raiders                        16.34   6
5    Bailey , Parker         6 St Jude                            16.37   6
6    Mazzarelli, Ciara       6 Wichita Warriors                   16.83   6
7    Walker, Jocelyn         6 Holy Spirit, Goddard               16.94   6

Girls 200m Dash 6TH GRADE  - Finals 
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Heat
1    Lezniak, Katie          6 SFA Vikings                        34.71   1
2    AMAYA, GABRIELA         6 St. Margaret Mary Tigers           36.23   1
3    Walbridge, Grace        6 St. Catherine of Sienna            37.90   1
4    Lies, Arianna           6 Resurrection Ravens                41.21   1

     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Heat
1    Butterworth, Miriam     6 Wichita Warriors                   31.39   2
2    Penka, Abby             6 St. Catherine of Sienna            35.76   2
3    Parmley, Jillian        6 STA Raiders                        37.75   2
4    Lies, Cora              6 SFA Vikings                        38.63   2
5    MARTINEZ, ANDREA        6 St. Margaret Mary Tigers           39.02   2
6    Juhnke, Ellie           6 Holy Cross Lutheran Eagles         43.65   2

     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Heat
1    Larkin, Logan           6 St. Catherine of Sienna            32.58   3
2    Fernandez, Sophia       6 Holy Cross Lutheran Eagles         37.20   3
3    Imhof, Marcella         6 Resurrection Ravens                38.36   3
4    Wiens, Avery            6 Holy Cross Lutheran Eagles         39.08   3
5    Neal, Hope              5 Wichita Warriors                   40.61   3
6    Lauber, Khloe           6 Resurrection Ravens                41.46   3

     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Heat
1    Gaggero, Delaney        6 SEAs                               33.21   4
2    Mazzarelli, Ciara       6 Wichita Warriors                   33.52   4
3    Tra, Molly              6 Holy Family                        34.90   4
4    Schawe, Carolyn         6 SFA Vikings                        35.65   4
5    Zeola, Hannah           6 Blessed Sacrament                  37.10   4
6    Mayer, Saranne          6 Christ the King Wichita            38.66   4
7    Kelly , Isabella        6 St Jude                            41.29   4

     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Heat
1    Stafford, Elsie         6 Blessed Sacrament                  30.82   5
2    Martin, Tess            6 SEAs                               30.96   5
3    Knipp, Kinsley          6 STA Raiders                        32.30   5
4    Williams, Evelynn       6 St. Peter Eagles                   34.86   5
5    Wehbe, Celena           6 STA Raiders                        34.90   5
6    Goertz, Emma            6 St. Peter Eagles                   35.53   5

Girls 400m Run 6TH GRADE  - Finals 
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Heat
1    Lerch, Brynnley         6 Resurrection Ravens              1:15.36   1
2    Wehbe, Celena           6 STA Raiders                      1:16.00   1
3    Marietta, Lillian       6 School Of The Magdalen           1:28.52   1
4    Sladek, Jillian         6 SFA Vikings                      1:36.02   1
5    Juhnke, Ellie           6 Holy Cross Lutheran Eagles       1:40.14   1

     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Heat
1    Patry, Kayla            6 School Of The Magdalen           1:19.85   2
2    AMAYA, GABRIELA         6 St. Margaret Mary Tigers         1:22.85   2
3    Barrera, Daisy          6 St. Peter Eagles                 1:23.90   2
4    Mayer, Saranne          6 Christ the King Wichita          1:32.85   2
5    Wiens, Avery            6 Holy Cross Lutheran Eagles       1:33.44   2
6    Neal, Hope              5 Wichita Warriors                 1:33.79   2
7    Kelly , Isabella        6 St Jude                          1:39.17   2

     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Heat
1    Seiler, Lucy            6 St. Joe Ost                      1:23.17   3
2    Bielarczyk, Aleksand    6 Resurrection Ravens              1:23.70   3
3    Fernandez, Sophia       6 Holy Cross Lutheran Eagles       1:25.24   3
4    MARTINEZ, ANDREA        6 St. Margaret Mary Tigers         1:25.41   3
5    Kelleher, Victoria      6 Resurrection Ravens              1:27.41   3
6    Garcia, Elena           6 Holy Spirit, Goddard             1:29.65   3
7    Haskin, Lydea           6 Christ the King Wichita          1:31.07   3

     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Heat
1    Butterworth, Miriam     6 Wichita Warriors                 1:09.24   4
2    Meier, Ceci             6 STA Raiders                      1:11.75   4
3    Walker, Jocelyn         6 Holy Spirit, Goddard             1:16.42   4
4    Ross, Natalie           6 St. Catherine of Sienna          1:20.94   4
5    Bailey , Parker         6 St Jude                          1:21.02   4
6    Parmley, Jillian        6 STA Raiders                      1:26.34   4
7    ALVAREZ4BUENO, ARALI    6 St. Margaret Mary Tigers         1:26.45   4

Girls 800m Run 6TH GRADE  - Finals
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Larson, Mary            6 School Of The Magdalen           2:40.00  10
2    Melcher, Sophie         6 Resurrection Ravens              2:58.47   8
3    Valdivia, Kata          6 Wichita Collegiate Middle Schl   3:00.38   6
4    Erwin, Maddyx           6 St. Mary Newton                  3:04.54   4
5    Patton, Julia           6 Blessed Sacrament                3:04.83   2
6    Baalman, Gianna         6 Blessed Sacrament                3:09.49   1
7    Pigg, Vivian            6 Wichita Collegiate Middle Schl   3:09.83   -
8    Lager, Erin             6 St. Catherine of Sienna          3:27.46   -
9    Snyder, Josie           6 St. Peter Eagles                 3:37.10   -
10   Torralbo, Brisa         6 st. mary's derby ks              3:48.36   -
11   Barnard, Therese        6 Holy Family                      3:50.63   -

Girls 1600m Run 6TH GRADE  - Finals
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Larson, Mary            6 School Of The Magdalen           6:02.40  10
2    Jones, Brook            6 SEAs                             6:33.90   8
3    Luttrell, Quinn         6 Blessed Sacrament                6:37.40   6
4    Pigg, Vivian            6 Wichita Collegiate Middle Schl   7:07.90   4
5    Garcia, Elena           6 Holy Spirit, Goddard             7:11.20   2
6    Ewertz, Corryn          6 St. Catherine of Sienna          7:19.60   1
7    Goertz, Emma            6 St. Peter Eagles                 7:21.70   -
8    Williams, Evelynn       6 St. Peter Eagles                 7:57.30   -
9    Snyder, Josie           6 St. Peter Eagles                 8:00.30   -

Girls 100m Hurdles 6TH GRADE  - Finals 
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Heat
1    Seiler, Lucy            6 St. Joe Ost                        24.11   1
2    Marietta, Lillian       6 School Of The Magdalen             25.82   1
3    Sladek, Jillian         6 SFA Vikings                        28.57   1

Girls 4 x 100m Relay 6TH GRADE  - Finals 
     Team                                      Time Heat
1    SFA Vikings                            1:08.80   1
2    St. Peter Eagles                       1:10.71   1
3    STA Raiders                            1:12.77   1

Girls 4 x 200m Relay 6TH GRADE  - Finals 
     Team                                      Time Heat
1    St. Catherine of Sienna                2:30.15   1
2    Resurrection Ravens                    2:39.75   1
3    STA Raiders                            2:43.74   1

     Team                                      Time Heat
1    SEAs                                   2:11.84   2
2    Blessed Sacrament                      2:14.85   2
3    SEAs                                   2:22.84   2
4    School Of The Magdalen                 2:30.65   2
5    SFA Vikings                            2:33.40   2
6    Blessed Sacrament                      2:36.59   2

Girls 800m Distance Medley 6TH GRADE  - Finals 
     Team                                      Time Heat
1    Wichita Collegiate Middle Schl         2:22.90   1
2    St. Catherine of Sienna                2:39.90   1
3    SFA Vikings                            2:47.89   1

     Team                                      Time Heat
1    STA Raiders                            2:16.16   2
2    SEAs                                   2:23.43   2
3    Resurrection Ravens                    2:26.03   2
4    Blessed Sacrament                      2:31.02   2
5    School Of The Magdalen                 2:41.50   2

Girls High Jump 6TH GRADE  - Finals
     Athlete                Yr Team                                  Mark Score
1    Meier, Ceci             6 STA Raiders                            4-2  10
2    Larkin, Logan           6 St. Catherine of Sienna                4-0   8
3    Sattler, Lilly          6 st. mary's derby ks                    3-8   6
4    Erdman, Charlotte       6 STA Raiders                            3-6   4
5    Miller, Madison         6 St. Catherine of Sienna                3-40.75
6    Winter, Taylor          6 Blessed Sacrament                      3-40.75
7    Lauber, Khloe           6 Resurrection Ravens                    3-40.75
8    Kelleher, Victoria      6 Resurrection Ravens                    3-40.75
9    Ewertz, Corryn          6 St. Catherine of Sienna                3-4   -
10   Haskin, Lydea           6 Christ the King Wichita                3-4   -
11   Sullivan, Katie         6 Blessed Sacrament                      3-4   -
12   Weber, Penny            6 St. Mary Newton                        3-4   -
     Sponsel, Portia         6 St. Peter Eagles                        NH   -
     Erwin, Maddyx           6 St. Mary Newton                         NH   -

Girls Pole Vault 6TH GRADE  - Finals
     Athlete                Yr Team                                  Mark Score
1    Lerch, Brynnley         6 Resurrection Ravens                    6-0  10
2    Melcher, Sophie         6 Resurrection Ravens                    5-6   8
3    Tra, Molly              6 Holy Family                            5-6   6
4    Zimbleman, Mattie       6 SFA Vikings                            5-0   4
5    Maugans, Allison        6 Resurrection Ravens                    5-0   2

Girls Long Jump 6TH GRADE  - Finals
     Athlete                Yr Team                                  Mark Score
1    Butterworth, Miriam     6 Wichita Warriors                      11-8  10
2    Luttrell, Quinn         6 Blessed Sacrament                     11-6   8
3    Patton, Julia           6 Blessed Sacrament                   11-4.5   6
4    Walker, Jocelyn         6 Holy Spirit, Goddard                  11-3   4
5    Jantzen, Ella           6 School Of The Magdalen              11-1.5   2
6    Tajchman, Olyve         7 All Saints                            10-8   1
7    Sanders, Catherine      6 SFA Vikings                         10-5.5   -
8    Florentin, Olivia       7 All Saints                         10-4.25   -
9    Lager, Erin             6 St. Catherine of Sienna             10-2.5   -
10   Do, An                  6 SEAs                                  10-2   -
11   Sattler, Lilly          6 st. mary's derby ks                   10-2   -
12   Graf, Kennedy           6 School Of The Magdalen              9-11.5   -
13   Wooten, Avery           6 St. Catherine of Sienna               9-11   -
14   Seiler, Lucy            6 St. Joe Ost                           9-11   -
15   Brogan, Neveah          6 Holy Spirit, Goddard                   9-8   -
16   Parmley, Jillian        6 STA Raiders                         9-4.25   -
17   Hamilton, Beckley       6 School Of The Magdalen                 9-2   -
18   Iseman, Gianna          6 SEAs                                   9-1   -
19   Torralbo, Brisa         6 st. mary's derby ks                  9-0.5   -
20   Tejeda, Gwen            6 SFA Vikings                         8-10.5   -
21   Russell, Audrey         6 SEAs                                  8-10   -
22   Sponsel, Portia         6 St. Peter Eagles                     8-6.5   -
23   Holliday, Allison       6 Resurrection Ravens                  8-6.5   -
24   Montemayor, Isabella    6 STA Raiders                            8-3   -
25   Hohl, Georgia           6 St. Catherine of Sienna                8-3   -
26   Mahen, Isla             6 STA Raiders                            8-2   -
27   Simon, Mallory          6 SFA Vikings                          8-0.5   -
28   McDonald, Sophie        6 Christ the King Wichita                7-5   -
29   Barnard, Therese        6 Holy Family                            7-0   -
30   Lies, Arianna           6 Resurrection Ravens                 6-10.5   -
31   Trujillio, Kendall      6 st. mary's derby ks                   6-10   -
32   Snyder, Josie           6 St. Peter Eagles                       6-6   -

Girls Shot Put 6TH GRADE  - Finals
     Athlete                Yr Team                                  Mark Score
1    Missana, Jaycie         6 Resurrection Ravens                23-11.5  10
2    Mwanga, Abigail         6 STA Raiders                        21-10.5   8
3    Hallacy, Jenna          6 St. Peter Eagles                      21-9   6
4    Brennan, Madigan        6 Blessed Sacrament                     21-6   4
5    Robben, Camille         6 Holy Spirit, Goddard                  21-5   2
6    Cole, Kamie             6 School Of The Magdalen              20-4.5   1
7    Huslig, Ellie           6 St. Peter Eagles                      20-1   -
8    Swank, Kynlee           6 School Of The Magdalen              20-0.5   -
9    Maugans, Allison        6 Resurrection Ravens                   19-5   -
10   McDonald, Sophie        6 Christ the King Wichita             19-4.5   -
11   Poliquin, Elanor        6 St. Peter Eagles                     17-11   -
12   Aung, Hillary           6 STA Raiders                         14-6.5   -
13   Long, Carol             6 STA Raiders                         14-3.5   -

Girls Discus Throw 6TH GRADE  - Finals
     Athlete                Yr Team                                  Mark Score
1    Hallacy, Jenna          6 St. Peter Eagles                      62-1  10
2    Robben, Camille         6 Holy Spirit, Goddard                54-6.5   8
3    Brennan, Madigan        6 Blessed Sacrament                     50-5   6
4    Huslig, Ellie           6 St. Peter Eagles                    46-3.5   4
5    Poliquin, Elanor        6 St. Peter Eagles                    45-6.5   2
6    Ingalls, Adalynn        6 School Of The Magdalen              42-7.5   1
7    Swank, Kynlee           6 School Of The Magdalen             39-3.25   -
8    Maugans, Allison        6 Resurrection Ravens                   39-3   -
9    Mwanga, Abigail         6 STA Raiders                           36-1   -
10   McDonald, Sophie        6 Christ the King Wichita            33-4.75   -
11   Juhnke, Ellie           6 Holy Cross Lutheran Eagles         30-4.75   -
12   Aung, Hillary           6 STA Raiders                         28-9.5   -
13   Long, Carol             6 STA Raiders                           22-1   -

Girls Scores
Place	Team             		Points
1	Blessed Sacrament		87.75
2	SEAs	                	62
3	STA Raiders            		58
4	Resurrection Ravens		49.5
5	School Of The Magdalen		33
6	Wichita Warriors		26
7	St. Catherine of Sienna		24.75
8	St. Peter Eagles		22
9	Holy Spirit, Goddard		18
9	Wichita Collegiate Middle Schl	18
11	SFA Vikings            		13
12	Holy Family          		7
13	st. mary's derby ks		6
14	St. Mary Newton	               	4
15	St Jude	                	2
16	All Saints            		1
16	St. Joe Ost	           	1