Girls 5k Run CC High School
Pl Name Year School Time Points
1 Alderson, Jentrie Southeast of Saline 19:12.12 1
2 Roepke, Natalie Washington 21:06.79
3 Madsen, Kate Hiawatha 21:27.45 2
4 Prochazka, Ashley Southeast of Saline 21:39.85 3
5 Pearson, Mallorie Southeast of Saline 21:43.57 4
6 Stuhlsatz, Rebekah Wabaunsee 21:49.24 5
7 Kuckelman, Olivia Centralia 21:53.60
8 Saenz, Sierra St George-R 21:56.60 6
9 Letourneau, Jane Beloit-Saint John's 22:14.73
10 Pembleton, Jocelyn Southeast of Saline 22:29.95 7
11 Picolet, Jordyn Council Grove 22:35.55
12 Crow, Michaela Flint Hills 22:40.10
13 Zarybnicky, Michelle Hanover 22:48.01
14 Clark, Abbi St George-R 22:50.11 8
15 Cole, Claire Doniphan West 22:53.13
16 McBurney, Taygen Southeast of Saline 23:02.94 9
17 Ball, Blaise Perry-Lecompton 23:07.93 10
18 Sutton, Savannah Southeast of Saline 23:10.62 11
19 Boswell, Emma Hiawatha 23:11.27 12
20 Barraza, Carolina Scandia-Pike Valley 23:16.89 13
21 Maike, Kyndal Wabaunsee 23:23.29 14
22 Vermetten, Sam Valley Heights 23:30.63 15
23 Bowser, Jaysie Clifton-Clyde 23:45.11 16
24 Gilbert, Madison Hiawatha 23:50.81 17
25 Easley, Christina Riley County 23:51.99
26 O'Neil, Brynn Marysville 23:52.57 18
27 Beikmann, Claire Linn High School 23:57.81
28 Grauer, Sydney Marysville 24:01.93 19
29 Buessing, Aspen Axtell 24:06.00
30 Schraffer, Davanne Herington High S 24:11.68
31 Carlgren, Cajsa Scandia-Pike Valley 24:12.08 20
32 Nippert, Kalea St George-R 24:20.63 21
33 Lierz, Darcy Hiawatha 24:28.91 22
34 Mendez, Evy Sacred Heart 24:30.89
35 Hilton, Bree Council Grove 24:37.16
36 Smith, Audrey Sacred Heart 24:42.46
37 Quathamer, Sierra Wabaunsee 24:50.43 23
38 Schumann, Kassidy Perry-Lecompton 24:55.23 24
39 Sublett, Erica Scandia-Pike Valley 24:59.72 25
40 Vaughan, Eryn Perry-Lecompton 25:03.71 26
41 Leonard, Sara Perry-Lecompton 25:05.97 27
42 Meyer, Elizabeth Beloit-Saint John's 25:06.13
43 Sikes, Karsyn Clifton-Clyde 25:06.72 28
44 Smith, Jordyn Axtell 25:11.00
45 Fike, Grace St George-R 25:15.09 29
46 Meyer, Taylor Marysville 25:17.79 30
47 Donaldson, Jenna Wabaunsee 25:23.20 31
48 Hamm, Kayla Perry-Lecompton 25:31.64 32
49 Steinbrock, Ella Clifton-Clyde 25:32.45 33
50 Ryan, Gloria Cornerstone Fami 25:45.09
51 Steere, Keely Council Grove 25:45.61
52 Roberts, Lauryn Marysville 25:47.42 34
53 Campbell, Paige Hiawatha 25:51.9
54 Mascote, Liz Council Grove 25:56.1
55 Brown, Alyssa Clifton-Clyde 26:07.1
56 Dugger, Ashlyn Wabaunsee 26:12.2
57 Reeves, McKenna Scandia-Pike Valley 26:17.5
58 Bowser, Paige Clifton-Clyde 26:23.9
59 Stewart, Jailyn Frankfort 26:30.7
60 Porter, Ashley Cornerstone Fami 26:42.9
61 Koch, Clarissa Centralia 26:43.8
62 Juracek, Alyssa Riley County 26:44.8
63 Nietfeld, Jordyn Marysville 26:49.0
64 Lister, Abby Valley Heights 26:53.9
65 Haidusek, Madyson Riley County 26:58.2
66 Stone, Nevaeh Perry-Lecompton 27:06.9
67 Emmert, Cecelia Wabaunsee 27:08.8
68 Romesburg, Elaina Tescott 27:27.6
69 Stueve, Nikki Hiawatha 27:37.8
70 Cheek, Haylee Perry-Lecompton 27:41.6
71 Clark, Lilly Doniphan West 27:43.2
72 Navarro, Isabel Scandia-Pike Valley 27:46.6
73 Alderman, Emma Wabaunsee 27:47.7
74 Walters, Peyton Southern Cloud 28:07.4
75 Thomas, Jaiden Frankfort 28:26.0
76 Woodyard, Paige Valley Heights 28:29.5
77 Lutgen, Amy Beloit-Saint John's 28:54.5
78 Brungardt, Emma Valley Heights 28:57.8
79 Fox, Kaleska St George-R 28:59.8
80 Romesburg, Jazmine Tescott 29:06.5
81 Ryan, Grace Cornerstone Fami 29:09.4
82 Woodyard, Payton Valley Heights 29:27.1
83 Peterson, Montana Tescott 29:32.8
84 Rose, Elise Marysville 29:36.0
85 Porter, Tatiana Cornerstone Fami 29:45.5
86 Buessing, Alison Axtell 29:49.0
87 McCabria, Cheyenne Flint Hills 29:50.8
88 Gunderson, Sarah Beloit-Saint John's 30:35.1
89 Peterson, Lauryn Junction Cit 31:57.2
90 Maya, Alyssa Sacred Heart 32:11.9
91 Armstrong, Maggie Frankfort 32:22.3
92 Dressman, Clara Frankfort 32:35.1
93 Langston, Khloe Scandia-Pike Valley 40:22.6
Girls JV 5000m Run
Pl Name Team Time
1 Yianakopulos, Alaina Southeast of Sal 23:40.4
2 Blake, Maddeline Southeast of Sal 23:56.5
3 Roths, Makenna Southeast of Sal 24:45.5
4 Lawson, Madison Southeast of Sal 24:48.0
5 Co m erford, Carly Southeast of Sal 25:01.9
6 Grauerholz, Ellie Southeast of Sal 25:25.6
7 Felzien, Brenna Southeast of Sal 26:02.5
8 Trocheck, Morgan Southeast of Sal 26:12.6
9 Stone, Kiara Hiawatha JV 27:09.9
10 Bowman, Natalie Riley County JV 27:52.7
11 Standley, Breanna Southeast of Sal 29:54.0
12 Williams, Paige Riley County JV 29:56.0
13 Kent, Aubrey Hiawatha JV 30:03.5
14 Weis, Kate Southeast of Sal 30:42.1
15 Mumpower, Hannah Wabaunsee JV 31:39.8
16 Monhollon, Caitlyn Hiawatha JV 32:42.8
17 Kee, Catherine Frankfort JV 34:25.7
18 White, Elaina Hanover JV 35:26.1
19 Padgett, Lyndee Hanover JV 37:44.7
Boys 5000 Meter Run High School Varsity
Pl Name Year School Time Points
1 Eilert, Caleb Beloit-Saint John's 16:48.38 1
2 Sprecker, Dylan Southeast of Saline 16:48.43 2
3 Hodge, Justin Hiawatha 17:13.37 3
4 Gleason, Luke Southeast of Saline 17:18.49 4
5 Jackson, Dominic Southeast of Saline 17:37.53 5
6 Hanson, Andrew Southeast of Saline 18:01.75 6
7 Jackson, Damion Southeast of Saline 18:08.09 7
8 Lee, Davis Marysville 18:13.66 8
9 Bartlett, James Perry-Lecompton 18:32.47 9
10 Smith, Spencer Southeast of Saline 18:33.51 10
11 Kejr, Joel Southeast of Saline 18:37.26 11
12 Roberts, Gabe St George-R 18:44.61 12
13 Werner, Clark Axtell 18:53.52 13
14 Cervantes, Anthony Riley County 18:55.50 14
15 Sollars, Reece Perry-Lecompton 18:56.13 15
16 Shaffer, Christian Hiawatha 18:56.54 16
17 Kirkland, Ben Marysville 18:57.37 17
18 Denner, Dalton Marysville 18:59.58 18
19 Simmons, Tyler Washington 19:02.41 19
20 Stade, Ryan Marysville 19:08.69 20
21 Schmitz, Simon Axtell 19:08.84 21
22 York, Daniel Linn High School 19:13.05
23 LeClair, Michael Perry-Lecompton 19:13.96 22
24 Gudenkauf, Nathan Marysville 19:16.38 23
25 Stuhlsatz, Luke Wabaunsee 19:21.98 24
26 Churchman, Nolan St George-R 19:24.06 25
27 Tharman, Bryce Wabaunsee 19:27.38 26
28 Mumpower, Eli Wabaunsee 19:28.84 27
29 Blair, Dylan Riley County 19:29.48 28
30 Eilert, Jensen Scandia-Pike Valley 19:30.70
31 McPherson, Calvin Perry-Lecompton 19:31.51 29
32 Warner, Alex Wabaunsee 19:33.68 30
33 Allen, Evan St George-R 19:36.56 31
34 Holle, Matt Marysville 19:36.90 32
35 Reeves, Teagon Scandia-Pike Valley 19:44.98
36 Dean, Caden Perry-Lecompton 19:47.24 33
37 Collins, Hutton Riley County 19:47.58 34
38 Beier, Trent Linn High School 19:49.04
39 Dameron, Braden Beloit-Saint John's 19:56.36 35
40 Lira, Isaac Wabaunsee 20:04.82 36
41 Thompson, Ben Beloit-Saint John's 20:04.94 37
42 Engelken, Ransom Centralia 20:10.74 38
43 Powell, Gabriel Cornerstone Fami 20:13.23 39
44 Shoup, Tanner St George-R 20:20.11 40
45 Cheever, Brandon St George-R 20:24.98 41
46 McPherson, Miles Perry-Lecompton 20:30.33 42
47 Pruitt, Ethan Hiawatha 20:34.83 43
48 Wheeler, Bryce Perry-Lecompton 20:37.00 44
49 Henderson, Austin Wabaunsee 20:48.62 45
50 Simmer, Dalton Hiawatha 20:56.16 46
51 Mills, Gavin Council Grove 20:59.97
52 Rodgers, Jesse Council Grove 21:01.38
53 Engelken, Race Centralia 21:03.2 47
54 Gilliland, Caleb Sacred Heart 21:10.2 48
55 Engelken, Tahj Centralia 21:10.7 49
56 Phelps, Garrett Tescott 21:16.2
57 Douglas, Jace Sacred Heart 21:16.2 50
58 Buessing, Derek Axtell 21:18.1 51
59 Karnes, Ethan St George-R 21:20.8 52
60 Schuh, Braxton Riley County 21:36.0 53
61 Gengler, Jacob Beloit-Saint John's 21:36.1 54
62 Riordan, Sean Sacred Heart 21:39.0 55
63 Cheely, Connor Washington 21:40.4 56
64 Engstrom, Tyler Junction Cit 21:41.6
65 McClure, Ryan Riley County 21:42.6 57
66 Douglas, Kobe Sacred Heart 21:42.6 58
67 Hoover, Kobe Washington 21:45.6 59
68 Wade, Eli Wabaunsee 21:54.4 60
69 Zarybnicky, Zach Hanover 21:59.1
70 Rogge, Isaac Linn High School 22:10.0
71 Ronnebaum, Justin Axtell 22:12.6 61
72 Rutschman, Craig Herington High S 22:15.6
73 Bryan, Mitch Hiawatha 22:16.1 62
74 Conley, Camden Centralia 22:17.0 63
75 Eckert, Jonah Cornerstone Fami 22:22.9 64
76 Thompson, Nick Centralia 22:25.7 65
77 Jorgensen, Scott Tescott 22:27.9
78 Braucher, Trenton Herington High S 22:30.4
79 Baker, Drake Washington 22:40.2 66
80 Faerber, Isaiah Sacred Heart 22:42.5 67
81 Rosa, Jack Hiawatha 22:47.3 68
82 Winkel, Cabyn Beloit-Saint John's 22:58.5 69
83 Challans, Michael Tescott 22:59.3
84 Dunaway, Michael Flint Hills 22:59.8
85 Wagner, Kit Scandia-Pike Valley 23:01.9
86 Orth, Blake Washington 23:06.2 70
87 Scheibe, Noah Axtell 23:16.1 71
88 Hardwick, Joey Frankfort 23:19.2
89 Butel, Gabe Cornerstone Fami 23:27.4 72
90 Elmore, Nathan Sacred Heart 23:29.0 73
91 Bowling, Jacob Cornerstone Fami 23:38.5 74
92 Whitaker, Chris Valley Heights 23:55.1
93 Engstrom, Jesse Junction Cit 24:01.5
94 Dowd, Daniel Frankfort 24:22.2
95 Platter, Eric Beloit-Saint John's 24:27.2 75
96 Turk, Gunner Linn High School 24:30.0
97 Schell, Mack Frankfort 24:40.5
98 Anderes, Joey Council Grove 24:42.1
99 Lopez, Sergio Beloit-Saint John's 24:43.2 76
100 Aurand, Jaren Scandia-Pike Valley 24:48.0
101 White, Markus Sacred Heart 25:11.6 77
102 Simecka, Creighton Council Grove 26:09.4
103 Miller, Jaiden Junction Cit 26:35.8
104 Toole, Jacob Washington 27:27.9 78
105 Nemechek, Aiden Valley Heights 27:33.1
106 Keys, James Cornerstone Fami 27:53.9 79
107 Deters, Wyatt Axtel1 27:57.5 80
108 Kiper, Jacob Flint Hills 30:39.34
109 Dressman, Gavin Frankfort 30:49.11
110 Perrin, Casey Sacred Heart 34:09.84
Event 4 Boys 5000m JV
Pl Name Team Time Score
1 Van Tassle, Luke Southeast of Sal 19:19.77 1
2 Morrical-Palmer, Nakari Southeast of Sal 19:28.7 2
3 Richardson, Drew Southeast of Sal 19:32.3 3
4 Tucker, Dylan Perry-Lecompton JV 20:03.5
5 Ball, Gunnar Perry-Lecompton JV 20:48.1
6 Argo, Sayiant Marysville JV 20:56.0 4
7 Johnson, Mackinly Southeast of Sal 20:56.9 5
8 Clark, Ian St George- Rock 21:03.8 6
9 Moseley, Dawson Perry-Lecompton JV 21:08.4
10 Keo, David Hiawatha JV 21:13.8
11 Glotzbach, CJ Wabaunsee JV 21:16.9 7
12 Sollars, Boyd Perry-Lecompton JV 21:27.3
13 Sterling, Thomas Riley County JV 21:31.3 8
14 Shoup, Gavin St George- Rock 21:42.0 9
15 Weiss, Charlie Southeast of Sal 21:43.1 10
16 Pembleton, Greyson Southeast of Sal 21:48.6 11
17 Czapanskiy, Colton Clifton-Clyde JV 21:52.7
18 Peters, Carter Hiawatha JV 21:53.0
19 Grenot, Elijah St George- Rock 22:00.6 12
20 Barnes, Hayden Hiawatha JV 22:06.3
21 Wenthe, Marcus Tescott JV 22:09.7
22 Daley, Jacob Wabaunsee JV 22:18.2 13
23 Smith, Gaige Wabaunsee JV 22:25.6 14
24 Dugan, Grant St George- Rock 22:30.7 15
25 Yell, Cameron Wabaunsee JV 22:37.6 16
26 Steeves, Jacob St George- Rock 22:38.1 17
27 Milham, Joshua St George- Rock 22:39.7 18
28 Stuhlsatz, Peter Wabaunsee JV 22:42.7 19
29 Trimmel, Cole Southeast of Sal 22:46.3 20
30 Montenegro, Corbin St George- Rock 22:47.4 21
31 Frese, Noah Riley County JV 22:56.2 22
32 Walter, Gabriel Clifton-Clyde JV 22:57.4
33 Faulkner, Braeton Marysville JV 23:11.3 23
34 Grutsch, AJ Wabaunsee JV 23:38.4 24
35 Arntt, Jason Marysville JV 23:50.4 25
36 Fleener, Ashton Riley County JV 24:33.1 26
37 Novotny, Isaac Marysville JV 24:51.3 27
38 Wassom, Simeon Marysville JV 25:00.6 28
39 Mead, Tanner Clifton-Clyde JV 25:10.3
40 Monday, Ben Southeast of Sal 25:13.1
41 Cool, Levi Southern Cloud JV 25:17.1
42 Carlson, Justin Wabaunsee JV 25:23.2 29
43 Hays, Ian St George- Rock 25:31.3
44 Smith, Peyton Riley County JV 25:32.6 30
45 Beckman, Bryce Riley County JV 25:40.2 31
46 Jamison, Lucas Southern Cloud JV 25:55.5
47 Caudillo, Keegan Marysville JV 26:28.0 32
48 Campbell, Kyle Riley County JV 26:50.9 33
49 Dugger, Brendan Wabaunsee JV 26:55.3
50 Van Arsdale, Kenneth Southeast of Sal 26:58.27
51 Gilley, Raiden Beloit-Saint Joh 27:17.08
52 Moser, Jordan Hiawatha JV 27:22.16
53 Nolte, Cole Marysville JV 28:44.16 34
54 Cyr, Wyatt Clifton-Clyde JV 29:19.53
55 McVay, Braedon Southeast of Sal 29:35.30
56 Helmerichs, Devin Frankfort JV 31:27.99
57 Fox, Grady Frankfort JV 33:15.64