We Salute Jackson Slaughter Shawnee Mission East

Name: Jack Slaughter

School: Shawnee Mission East

Q: What does your training look like right now given the current situation?

A: I'm still running every day, and doing different workouts that my coaches are sending.

Q: What are you doing to stay busy other than run right now?

A: I've been talking to friends, watching new tv shows and movies, and spending time with my family.

Q: What was your most memorable race/moment?

A: Beating Blue Valley by .04 seconds by leaning across the line in the 4x400 relay at the Blue Valley Relays meet last year.

Q: What was the funniest thing that happened during your running career?

A: While I was running the 4x400 relay at the end of a meet, some of the team was cleaning up the tent and getting ready to leave.  A few of my things, including my headphones were in a bag that accidentally got thrown away, so we had to run back and get them out of the trash can right before the bus left.

Q: Who would you consider your biggest competition over your four years?

A: The biggest competition I had was probably the Olathe Northwest 4x800 relay last season.

Q: What was your greatest accomplishment?

A: My greatest accomplishment was qualifying for 4 events at State last year, and making the podium for 3 of them.

Q: If you could do it all over again what would you change about your running career in high school?

A: I would have ran track my freshman year.

Q: What were the most difficult obstacles you had to overcome?

A: I used to put a lot of pressure on myself and would get nervous before races, but I learned to not worry as much and just have fun.

Q: What will you miss the most?

A: I will miss hanging out with all of my teammates and running in meets.

Q: What advice would you give to younger athletes?

A: Always try your best, and treat every race like it's your last.

Q: What kind of an impact has your coach had on you and your team?

A: The coaches were always very positive, which made it easy to want to work hard.  They always brought the very best out of me, and everyone on the team, and made track a really great experience.

Q: What are your college plans?

A: I will be attending the University of Kansas.

Q: Who would you like to say 'thank you' to?

A: I would like to thank my parents, my sister, my grandma, my coaches, and my teammates for always supporting me, and cheering me on.

Q: Is there anything else you'd like to add?


Q: Favorite Meal?

A: Chicken fried rice

Q: If you could be any animal what would you choose? and why?

A: I would be a bird, so I could travel anywhere.

Q: Your favorite superhero?

A: Spider-Man