We Salute Leann Trout Independence High School

Name: Leann Trout

School: Independence High School

Q: What does your training look like right now given the current situation?

A: I am training for a half-marathon. (Might have to be virtual.)

Q: What are you doing to stay busy other than run right now?

A: I got a job at a shipping company that is keeping me very busy. My family has been gardening, and I enjoy reading, painting, and watching movies inside.

Q: What was your most memorable race/moment?

A: Our girls team won our 2018 Regional Cross Country race and broke the 10 plus year curse that kept our cross country team from getting another banner to hang in our gym. The last banner under cross country was hung in 2007. (However we have yet to get our physical banner.)

Q: What was the funniest thing that happened during your running career?

A: Our long distance team has a tradition that before the Regional and State track competitions our friday run is to the large fountain in the park (about a mile from our high school) and most of the guys usually jump in and have to run back barefoot.

Q: Who would you consider your biggest competition over your four years?

A: Anyone on the Fort Scott cross country team is competition for me, along with a lot of the Girard girls. Jordan Smith was good competition in track my Junior year, and me and Ashley Isle have a good race every year.

Q: What was your greatest accomplishment?

A: I am always very honored to participate in large events like Rim Rock and the Youth National Cross Country events. I did not get to go to State every year, so getting 8th in the two mile in 2019 was an accomplishment for me.

Q: If you could do it all over again what would you change about your running career in high school?

A: I would not hesitate my Freshman year to run cross country over playing tennis. Our coach had to write Renee and I a letter before we were convinced.

Q: What were the most difficult obstacles you had to overcome?

A: I had some close calls on a lot of races that made me lose out on some opportunities.

Freshman year of cross country I was pretty close to going to State. Also, I had three different coaches in my four years of cross country. Consistency would have been nice; however, I enjoyed all three coaches.

Q: What will you miss the most?

A: I will miss the girls cross country team so much! My Senior year my sister and I were the only Senior girls on the team, and it felt like the rest of our girl runners were like our little sisters we were teaching to love running. I also loved this year's long distance track crew. I wish the season could have played out! Lastly, my Freshman year of cross country had the best team ever! They will always be a part of my fondest memories. One of the girls on the team that year definitely helped me want to continue the sport, even on the rough training days when I felt horrible.

Q: What advice would you give to younger athletes?

A: Don't stop after the first shin splint. It gets better!

Q: What kind of an impact has your coach had on you and your team?

A: My track coach, Coach Boldra, has been such a fun and incredible coach to work with. He is very hard and aggressive sometimes, but he has the best intentions. I hate not having a Senior year with him, but the three years I got with Coach Boldra were exciting and challenging in the best ways. My cross country coaches were all very good and helped me grow in different ways as a runner.

Q: What are your college plans?

A: I plan to attend Pittsburg State University and pursue Biology and Spanish. I will also be on the cross country and indoor and outdoor track teams.

Q: Who would you like to say 'thank you' to?

A:Thank you Coach Boldra for being encouraging, filled with team spirit, and giving me some amazing track memories. Thanks to the assistant coaches, especially Mrs. Speicher who was also a lot of fun, and my Mom. I also loved all of my cross country coaches: Coach Agusto, Coach Bruce, and Coach Bloomfield. To Coach Bloomfield: thanks for a wonderful and supportive Senior cross country year.

Q: Is there anything else you'd like to add?


Q: Favorite Meal?

A: I really like spicy food, and I also enjoy a good Caesar salad.

Q: If you could be any animal what would you choose? and why?

A: I would be a wolf and run with an amazing pack!

Q: Your favorite superhero?

A: My favorite superhero is Captain America. Just like him, "I can do this all day."