KSHSAA 1A Regional - Waverly 2024

Waverly, KS
Timing/Results LCL Timing

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Scharff, Cooper 11.04 Marmaton Valley High School
Savoia, Francesco 11.45 Dexter
Rodriguez, Jerry 11.47 Colony Crest High School
Edgerton, Brenton 11.49 Colony Crest High School
Eskeldson, Grant 11.64 Hope HS
Balding, Kaden 11.68 Lebo High School
Diekmann, Parker 11.76 White City HS
Uik, Martin 11.77 Burden Central High School
Gaston, Jacen 11.84 Elk Valley High School
Reese, Corey 11.91 Lebo High School
Kelley, Hunter 11.95 Oswego High School
Tate, Logan 12.02 White City HS
Easley, Miles 12.10 Burden Central High School
Bulson, Tysin 12.32 Hartford High School
Reust, Colton 12.51 Flinthills High School
Davidson, Ryan 12.92 Burlingame High School
Noonan, David 13.21 Burlingame High School
Deiderich, Owen 13.24h Bishop Seabury Academy
Whisenant, Miles 13.63 Bishop Seabury Academy
Barrett, Tracen 14.53 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Eskeldson, Grant 16.26 Hope HS
Dean, Octavian 17.14 Madison High School
Flaming, Jake 17.20 Goessel High School
Wilson, Brock 17.41 Burden Central High School
Patrick, Ben 17.93 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Garrelts, Cameron 18.47 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Zimmerman, Jacob 18.98 Colony Crest High School
Devereaux, William 20.24 St. Paul High School
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Durst, Caleb 4:36.18 Lebo High School
Arnold, Kaleb 4:37.62 Olpe High School
Sturm, Levi 4:43.64 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Hamlin, Cooper 4:47.49 Northern Heights High School
Gaeddert, Eli 4:48.56 Goessel High School
Ellington, Gunner 4:51.61 Colony Crest High School
Cleveland, Cody 4:58.31 Hartford High School
Allen, Bryson 5:03.96 White City HS
Henley, Kyson 5:10.63 Dexter
Olson, Levi 5:22.61 Goessel High School
Merrill, Jacob 5:32.28 Northern Heights High School
Riley, Conner 5:38.62 Dexter
Blankley, Samuel 5:39.37 Hartford High School
Pope, Jackson 5:50.92 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Bourdlais, Noah 6:40.95 Burden Central High School
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Long, Ben 22.96 Burden Central High School
Scharff, Cooper 23.65 Marmaton Valley High School
Uik, Martin 23.88 Burden Central High School
Dailey, Grayson 23.89 Hartford High School
Edgerton, Brenton 24.02 Colony Crest High School
Boden, Eli 24.65 Goessel High School
Mcghee, Gentry 24.77 Colony Crest High School
Steffes, Cale 24.90 Olpe High School
Winters, Dane 24.96 Burlingame High School
Reust, Colton 25.70 Flinthills High School
Bulson, Tysin 25.78 Hartford High School
Badger, Harlan 26.57 Northern Heights High School
Noonan, David 28.18 Burlingame High School
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Long, Ben 41.15 Burden Central High School
Eskeldson, Grant 43.23 Hope HS
Wilson, Brock 43.28 Burden Central High School
Flaming, Jake 43.31 Goessel High School
Dean, Octavian 44.92 Madison High School
Garrelts, Cameron 45.83 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Spurlin, Wade 46.29 Goessel High School
Darbro, Lane 46.44 Madison High School
Hamlin, Cooper 47.93 Northern Heights High School
Zimmerman, Jacob 48.14 Colony Crest High School
Traver, Landon 49.07 Marais des Cygnes Valley High Sc
West, Ryan 49.76 Colony Crest High School
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Arnold, Kaleb 10:05.99 Olpe High School
Durst, Caleb 10:18.96 Lebo High School
Gaeddert, Eli 10:20.83 Goessel High School
Arnold, Isaac 10:42.28 Olpe High School
Cleveland, Cody 10:51.83 Hartford High School
Ellington, Gunner 10:55.60 Colony Crest High School
Henley, Kyson 11:01.30 Dexter
Braun, James 11:52.23 Burden Central High School
Parsons, Gunnar 11:55.83 Burden Central High School
Pope, Jackson 12:19.87 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
King, Blaine 13:08.13 Colony Crest High School
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Catlin, Garrett 1:07.60 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Luthi, Colter 1:08.90h Madison High School
Dailey, Grayson 51.12 Hartford High School
Shoemaker, Grayson 54.70 Lebo High School
Easley, Miles 54.78 Burden Central High School
Edgerton, Brenton 54.82 Colony Crest High School
Riedy, Kole 55.20 White City HS
Parker, Landon 55.42 White City HS
Hauff, Eli 55.49 Lebo High School
Patrick, Ben 55.52 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Wary, Braden 55.73 Oswego High School
Kuhlmann, Jesse 55.75 Olpe High School
Winters, Dane 56.44 Burlingame High School
Renfrow, Keenan 56.81 Hartford High School
Carlson, Micah 58.28 Centre High School
Rziha, Samuel 58.43 Centre High School
Boucher, Ethan 58.58 Burden Central High School
Badger, Harlan 59.51 Northern Heights High School
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 46.26 Colony Crest High School
Relay Team A 46.53 White City HS
Relay Team A 46.90 Burden Central High School
Relay Team A 47.11 Lebo High School
Relay Team A 47.32 Madison High School
Relay Team A 47.58 Goessel High School
Relay Team A 47.63 Oswego High School
Relay Team A 50.01 St. Paul High School
Relay Team A 50.42 Bishop Seabury Academy
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:38.54 Burden Central High School
Relay Team A 3:42.22 Olpe High School
Relay Team A 3:43.37 White City HS
Relay Team A 3:44.40 Lebo High School
Relay Team A 3:46.84 Waverly High School
Relay Team A 3:56.42 Oswego High School
Relay Team A 4:00.48 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Relay Team A 4:45.00 Hartford High School
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 8:52.50 Olpe High School
Relay Team A 9:13.25 White City HS
Relay Team A 9:29.31 Goessel High School
Relay Team A 9:31.27 Northern Heights High School
Relay Team A 9:41.85 Burden Central High School
Relay Team A 9:43.66 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Relay Team A 9:43.75 Colony Crest High School
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Boys 800 Meter Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Spade, Rees 2:06.28 Northern Heights High School
Sturm, Levi 2:07.88 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Durst, Caleb 2:08.62 Lebo High School
Schmidt, Javin 2:12.30 Goessel High School
Kuhlmann, Jesse 2:13.24 Olpe High School
Sanford, Koden 2:14.30h White City HS
Shoemaker, Grayson 2:14.33 Lebo High School
Taylor, Elijah 2:17.05 Colony Crest High School
Traynor, Nathen 2:22.25 White City HS
Jackson, Owen 2:23.13 Oswego High School
Norris, Brec 2:23.14 St. Paul High School
Ferguson, Parker 2:24.51 Burden Central High School
Parsons, Gunnar 2:25.40 Burden Central High School
Fuller, Xander 2:26.00h Colony Crest High School
Olson, Max 2:26.32 Northern Heights High School
Wimp, Tucker 2:27.02 Oswego High School
Herman, Taegan 2:28.07 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Slough, Hayden 2:28.22 Bishop Seabury Academy
Riley, Conner 2:28.48 Dexter
Newman, Brendon 2:33.93 Marmaton Valley High School
Blankley, Samuel 2:35.14 Hartford High School
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Boys Discus 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Helm, Hayden 139-10 Madison High School
Carson, Gavin 136-0 White City HS
Clark, Hudson 129-10 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Pendergrass, Cooper 128-10 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Cox, Reeston 125-4 Southern Coffey County High Scho
Oswald, Zach 125-1 Lebo High School
Schneider, Jesse 123-7 Hamilton High School
Walker, Evan 123-2 Goessel High School
Kiesel, Dameon 118-7 Elk Valley High School
Lawson, Brayden 112-3 Marmaton Valley High School
Spurlock, Drake 110-7 Bishop Seabury Academy
Long, Alex 109-2 Oswego High School
Dean, Octavian 107-8 Madison High School
Norris, Boston 107-5 Burden Central High School
Palmer, Jackson 106-6 Burlingame High School
Huffman, Dalton 103-11 Hartford High School
Barney, Dagan 101-10 Marmaton Valley High School
Walker, Trae 101-7 Marais des Cygnes Valley High Sc
Deiderich, Owen 100-8 Bishop Seabury Academy
Woodson, Colton 98-1 Waverly High School
Warnick, Elijah 82-3 Northern Heights High School
Underwood, Darren 73-1.5 Burden Central High School
Lee, Coulter 61-0 Hartford High School
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Boys High Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Long, Ben 6-4 Burden Central High School
Jacobson, Colton 6-2 Hope HS
Wilson, Brock 6-0 Burden Central High School
Clark, Hudson 6-0 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Carson, Gavin 5-10 White City HS
Isch, Colton 5-10 Madison High School
Raynor, Wyatt 5-8 Elk Valley High School
Bixenman, Cody 5-8 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Savoia, Francesco 5-6 Dexter
Jackson, Owen 5-6 Oswego High School
Renfrow, Keenan 5-6 Hartford High School
Merrill, Jacob 5-2 Northern Heights High School
Fuller, Xander 5-2 Colony Crest High School
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Boys Javelin 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Meehan, Ben 174-1 Waverly High School
Helm, Hayden 155-2 Madison High School
Carson, Gavin 153-6 White City HS
Cox, Reeston 153-2 Southern Coffey County High Scho
Long, Alex 150-6 Oswego High School
Darbro, Lane 148-9 Madison High School
Isch, Colton 147-2 Madison High School
Rolf, John 144-9 Southern Coffey County High Scho
Lawson, Brayden 140-11 Marmaton Valley High School
Hobbs, Brody 137-5 Colony Crest High School
Balding, Kaden 136-6 Lebo High School
Neeley, Braiden 129-2 Flinthills High School
Deiderich, Owen 128-0 Bishop Seabury Academy
Haid, Parker 127-4 Burlingame High School
Flaming, Jake 126-2 Goessel High School
Hamlin, Cooper 121-9 Northern Heights High School
Sanford, Koden 120-5 White City HS
Hauff, Eli 120-2 Lebo High School
Campbell, Brevyn 117-4 Marmaton Valley High School
Moon, Brock 112-1 Burlingame High School
Lang, Andrew 110-0 Bishop Seabury Academy
Vogel, Devin 110-0 St. Paul High School
Palma, Wendell 106-6 Oswego High School
Underwood, Darren 105-3.5 Burden Central High School
Walker, Trae 104-4 Marais des Cygnes Valley High Sc
Warnick, Elijah 84-7 Northern Heights High School
Dailey, Austin 77-4 Burden Central High School
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Boys Long Jump 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Uik, Martin 20-6 Burden Central High School
Rodriguez, Jerry 20-4.5 Colony Crest High School
Ohl, Carter 20-3 Waverly High School
Tate, Logan 19-8 White City HS
Jacobson, Colton 19-7.75 Hope HS
Gaston, Jacen 19-5.25 Elk Valley High School
Mcghee, Gentry 19-3.5 Colony Crest High School
Stevenson, Todd 19-2.75 Marmaton Valley High School
Traver, Landon 19-1 Marais des Cygnes Valley High Sc
Scharff, Cooper 19-1 Marmaton Valley High School
Savoia, Francesco 18-9.5 Dexter
Raynor, Wyatt 18-9 Elk Valley High School
Renfrow, Keenan 18-9 Hartford High School
Brown, Anakin 18-6.75 Burden Central High School
Spurlin, Wade 18-0 Goessel High School
Grimmett, Brayden 17-5 Madison High School
Skirvin, Drake 17-3 Burlingame High School
Boden, Eli 17-2.5 Goessel High School
Spohn, Robert 16-8 Centre High School
Davidson, Ryan 16-0 Burlingame High School
Luthi, Colter 15-8.5 Madison High School
Schneickert, Henry 15-0 Northern Heights High School
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Boys Pole Vault 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Reese, Corey 11-6 Lebo High School
Leiser, Cruz 11-6 Madison High School
Boucher, Ethan 11-0 Burden Central High School
Brockmeier, Tyler 10-6 Hope HS
Wolf, Colten 10-0 Olpe High School
Braun, James 9-5 Burden Central High School
Grimmett, Brayden 9-0 Madison High School
Scribner, Talon 9-0 Flinthills High School
Kelley, Taegan 7-0 Lebo High School
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Boys Shot Put 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pendergrass, Cooper 45-4.25 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Randall, Mason 44-4.5 Flinthills High School
Cox, Reeston 43-9 Southern Coffey County High Scho
Kiesel, Dameon 40-7 Elk Valley High School
Whitmore, Jakobe 40-5 Burlingame High School
Haid, Parker 40-2 Burlingame High School
Lawson, Brayden 40-0 Marmaton Valley High School
Hoff, Trent 39-11 White City HS
Lang, Andrew 36-8 Bishop Seabury Academy
Schneider, Jesse 35-10 Hamilton High School
King, Jackson 35-7 Madison High School
Spurlock, Drake 35-5 Bishop Seabury Academy
Palma, Wendell 35-2.5 Oswego High School
Barney, Dagan 35-1 Marmaton Valley High School
Conard, Nate 34-8.5 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Smith, Dominic 34-3.5 Oswego High School
Huffman, Dalton 32-5.5 Hartford High School
Warnick, Elijah 30-0.5 Northern Heights High School
Dailey, Austin 29-7 Burden Central High School
Badger, Harlan 26-7 Northern Heights High School
Smith, Luke 25-5 Burden Central High School
Lee, Coulter 24-10.5 Hartford High School
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Boys Triple Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Raynor, Wyatt 41-7 Elk Valley High School
Isch, Colton 40-4.5 Madison High School
Jacobson, Colton 39-8.5 Hope HS
Boden, Eli 39-5.5 Goessel High School
Ohl, Carter 39-5 Waverly High School
Bixenman, Cody 39-2.5 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Spurlin, Wade 38-7.25 Goessel High School
Gaston, Jacen 38-7 Elk Valley High School
Glissman, Ty 38-4.5 Waverly High School
Skirvin, Drake 37-2.5 Burlingame High School
Jackson, Owen 36-11.25 Oswego High School
Kelley, Hunter 36-7 Oswego High School
Stevenson, Todd 36-6.75 Marmaton Valley High School
Spohn, Robert 36-4.5 Centre High School
Schneickert, Henry 34-2 Northern Heights High School
Jiang, Bruce 25-9.5 Bishop Seabury Academy
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Randall, Harlee 12.84 Flinthills High School
Funk, Aimee 13.08 Goessel High School
McCurdy, Jaye 13.12 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Seele, Harper 13.15 Burlingame High School
Funk, Abbigail 13.38 Goessel High School
Cabugo, Nilari 13.55 Flinthills High School
Sanders, Kylah 13.55 Marmaton Valley High School
Coleman, Mia 13.68 Colony Crest High School
Watts, Rylie 13.79 Hamilton High School
Gellhaus, Taytum 13.91 Marais des Cygnes Valley High Sc
Glassburn, Julia 14.16 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Haynes, Khiana 14.36 Marmaton Valley High School
Ma, Jane 14.56 Bishop Seabury Academy
Gaines, Brooke 14.64 Madison High School
Vitt, Cassie 14.71 St. Paul High School
Newell, Ruby 15.06 Bishop Seabury Academy
Boatman, Eislee 15.15 Dexter
Coleman, Kim 15.44 Colony Crest High School
Tunnell, Hannah 15.52 Hartford High School
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schmidt, Hanna 15.84 Colony Crest High School
Sawyer, Cheyenne 15.99 Goessel High School
Traver, Akyra 16.26 Marais des Cygnes Valley High Sc
Hinrichs, Addisyn 17.34 Northern Heights High School
Cabugo, Nilari 17.39 Flinthills High School
Coleman, Mia 17.48 Colony Crest High School
Flaming, Jenna 17.94 Goessel High School
Carlson, Olivia 18.00 Centre High School
Dennis, Kailee 18.04 Cedar Vale High School
Williams, Kaitlyn 18.37 Oswego High School
Michael, Lila 18.93 St. Paul High School
Hague, Katie 19.50 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McCrory, Ellei 5:05.53 Northern Heights High School
Walter, Josie 5:27.41 Colony Crest High School
Bina, Kaitlynn 5:39.02 Centre High School
Skalsky, Lillian 5:58.20 Olpe High School
Cathcart, Laura 5:59.47 Northern Heights High School
Hudson, Lily 6:01.96 Madison High School
Heins, Kinley 6:01.96 Olpe High School
Magana, Elaina 6:04.84 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Speer, Kennah 6:10.59 Lebo High School
Johns, Ashlynn 6:13.04 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Birk, Jaylynn 6:14.29 Yates Center High School
Griffin, Jaicee 6:15.43 Goessel High School
Stuchlik, Allie 6:19.81 Centre High School
Allen, Aubrey 6:21.62 Colony Crest High School
Bell, Jessica 7:04.08 Burden Central High School
Fankhauser, Emma 8:23.13 Madison High School
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Randall, Harlee 26.03 Flinthills High School
McCurdy, Jaye 27.54 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Funk, Abbigail 27.80 Goessel High School
Wyatt, Willow 28.12 Burlingame High School
Noonan, Kaylin 28.14 Burlingame High School
Wuest, Brooklyn 28.30 Goessel High School
Schroeder, Emily 28.61 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Windle, Trininty 28.62 Hartford High School
Watts, Rylie 28.65 Hamilton High School
Sanders, Kylah 28.69 Marmaton Valley High School
Bohnen, Charli 29.12 Flinthills High School
Ahlsteadt, Fynlie 29.35 Burden Central High School
Hibben, Mia 29.43 Oswego High School
Ferguson, Keaira 29.68 Lebo High School
Eastman, Sierra 29.70 Burden Central High School
Saunders, Hayden 30.44 Northern Heights High School
Vitt, Cassie 30.60 St. Paul High School
Tunnell, Hannah 31.37 Hartford High School
Coleman, Kim 31.38 Colony Crest High School
Ma, Jane 31.44h Bishop Seabury Academy
Landis, Robin 40.33 Northern Heights High School
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Barney, Piper 48.43 Marmaton Valley High School
Sawyer, Cheyenne 49.06 Goessel High School
Schmidt, Hanna 49.37 Colony Crest High School
Traver, Akyra 50.21 Marais des Cygnes Valley High Sc
Williams, Kaitlyn 51.95 Oswego High School
Dennis, Kailee 52.57 Cedar Vale High School
Bryant, Logan 52.68 Goessel High School
Hinrichs, Addisyn 52.78 Northern Heights High School
Scheve, Gracie 53.51 Olpe High School
Seiter, Catherine 55.61 Hamilton High School
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McCrory, Ellei 10:48.98 Northern Heights High School
Walter, Josie 12:15.69 Colony Crest High School
Bina, Kaitlynn 12:31.57 Centre High School
Schmidt, Peyton 12:35.55 Colony Crest High School
Skalsky, Lillian 12:53.52 Olpe High School
Tiffany, Josie 12:55.91 Northern Heights High School
Stuchlik, Allie 13:37.79 Centre High School
Voelker, Ana 13:44.68 Burden Central High School
Allen, Aubrey 13:57.56 Colony Crest High School
Johns, Ashlynn 14:07.78 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Behn, Hannah 14:30.17 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Plummer, Cira 14:31.30 Lebo High School
Whalen, Chloe 15:03.01 Lebo High School
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Granere, Janae 1:02.82 Marmaton Valley High School
Brickell, Dakota 1:03.65 Burden Central High School
Robert, Kadey 1:05.25 Olpe High School
Hibben, Mia 1:05.26 Oswego High School
Petz, Ellie 1:05.69 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Schroeder, Emily 1:06.00 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Forero, Maria 1:06.05 Marmaton Valley High School
Windle, Trininty 1:06.14 Hartford High School
Tiffany, Josie 1:06.67 Northern Heights High School
Luthi, Caylin 1:06.69 Madison High School
Peek, Ally 1:07.13 Lebo High School
Seems, Macy 1:07.71 Waverly High School
Wilson, Ella 1:07.73 Olpe High School
Plett, Jenaya 1:09.20 Centre High School
Kim, Josie 1:09.25 Bishop Seabury Academy
Sanchez, Jimena 1:09.27 Centre High School
Landis, Robin 1:29.27 Northern Heights High School
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:06.12 Bishop Seabury Academy
Relay Team A 51.46 Goessel High School
Relay Team A 52.32 Burlingame High School
Relay Team A 53.06 Flinthills High School
Relay Team A 53.18 Colony Crest High School
Relay Team A 54.54 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Relay Team A 56.27 Madison High School
Relay Team A 57.69 Marmaton Valley High School
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:25.73 Marmaton Valley High School
Relay Team A 4:28.57 Goessel High School
Relay Team A 4:31.46 Olpe High School
Relay Team A 4:33.92 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Relay Team A 4:41.03 Colony Crest High School
Relay Team A 4:44.06 Burden Central High School
Relay Team A 4:44.19 Lebo High School
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:42.16 Northern Heights High School
Relay Team A 10:53.34 Olpe High School
Relay Team A 11:04.45 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Relay Team A 11:11.48 Colony Crest High School
Relay Team A 11:12.79 Lebo High School
Relay Team A 11:33.51 Goessel High School
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Girls 800 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McCrory, Ellei 2:15.86 Northern Heights High School
Walter, Josie 2:31.27 Colony Crest High School
Schmidt, Peyton 2:31.68 Colony Crest High School
Birk, Jaylynn 2:38.89 Yates Center High School
Magana, Elaina 2:39.68 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Luthi, Caylin 2:40.51 Madison High School
Bailey, Amelia 2:42.76 Olpe High School
Heins, Kinley 2:45.73 Olpe High School
Brecheisen, Alanna 2:47.99 Northern Heights High School
Geisken-Mears, Lexi 2:49.50 Hartford High School
Tucker, Adriana 2:50.06 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Voelker, Ana 2:51.24 Burden Central High School
Dent, Ava 2:57.41 St. Paul High School
Speer, Kennah 2:58.93 Lebo High School
Vitt, Cassie 3:03.93 St. Paul High School
Boone, Kaya 3:04.84 Marmaton Valley High School
Bell, Jessica 3:10.11 Burden Central High School
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Girls Discus 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Jaitlyn 115-0.5 Northern Heights High School
Barnhardt, Rachael 113-8 Lebo High School
Cook, Katie 109-11 Burden Central High School
Ashlock, Candice 103-9 Hamilton High School
Coughlin, Grace 103-8 Olpe High School
Cole, Hana 102-9 Olpe High School
Ludolph, Emily 101-3 Southern Coffey County High Scho
Sanford, Shaylee 99-06 White City HS
Shelton, Natalie 96-7 Dexter
Peterson, Journey 95-05 White City HS
Peek, Audrey 94-9 Lebo High School
Ohl, Karley 88-11 Southern Coffey County High Scho
Hudson, Kimber 88-5.5 Hamilton High School
Jones, Ryleigh 86-0 Centre High School
Webster, McKenna 85-9 Oswego High School
Thompson, Jenna 82-11 Madison High School
Davis, Sadie 71-4 Madison High School
Moore, Jaslyn 68-11 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Ellington, Lizzie 68-6 Colony Crest High School
Hill, Vivian 66-0 Bishop Seabury Academy
Eslick, Myleigh 63-10 Marmaton Valley High School
Brotz, Sydney 60-8 Northern Heights High School
Finnerty, Aubrey 58-9 Hartford High School
Grosvenor, Teagan 55-3 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Shanks, Madison 47-2 Bishop Seabury Academy
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Girls High Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Windle, Trininty 5-0 Hartford High School
Houck, Reese 5-0 Northern Heights High School
Geiger, Reagan 4-10 Olpe High School
Hutchinson, Alexis 4-10 Lebo High School
Hamlin, Maylea 4-8 Northern Heights High School
Nilges, Kaelin 4-8 Colony Crest High School
Weakley, Jalynn 4-8 Madison High School
Bohnen, Charli 4-6 Flinthills High School
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Girls Javelin 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Romig, Josie 127-4 Waverly High School
Peek, Audrey 127-0 Lebo High School
Weakley, Jalynn 118-7.5 Madison High School
Ohl, Karley 108-10 Southern Coffey County High Scho
Scharff, Payton 108-2 Marmaton Valley High School
Edings, Hailey 103-6 Oswego High School
Ashlock, Candice 103-5 Hamilton High School
Coughlin, Grace 101-6 Olpe High School
Rapp, Bailey 101-0 White City HS
Sanford, Shaylee 98-8 White City HS
Cole, Hana 97-6 Olpe High School
Corter, Paige 92-5 Flinthills High School
McNabb, Zoe 86-10 Waverly High School
Grimmett, Ellie 85-8 Lebo High School
Hill, Vivian 85-3 Bishop Seabury Academy
Johnson, Jaitlyn 84-5 Northern Heights High School
Cook, Katie 84-2 Burden Central High School
Thompson, Jenna 83-5 Madison High School
Gunlock, Kaydence 83-0 Southern Coffey County High Scho
Jones, Ryleigh 78-8 Centre High School
Edgerton, Kinley 78-6 Colony Crest High School
Blevins, Taylen 75-6 Marmaton Valley High School
Sull, Sydney 71-5 Hartford High School
Brittain, Taryn 70-8.5 Flinthills High School
Saunders, Hayden 62-6 Northern Heights High School
Shanks, Madison 44-6 Bishop Seabury Academy
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Girls Long Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Granere, Janae 17-9.5 Marmaton Valley High School
Schmidt, Hanna 17-1 Colony Crest High School
Barney, Piper 16-11 Marmaton Valley High School
Windle, Trininty 16-10.5 Hartford High School
Funk, Aimee 16-9.5 Goessel High School
Bailey, Amelia 16-3 Olpe High School
McCurdy, Jaye 16-0.7 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Wuest, Brooklyn 15-11 Goessel High School
Williams, Kaitlyn 15-7 Oswego High School
Wight, Rylie 15-6 Flinthills High School
Geisken-Mears, Lexi 15-3 Hartford High School
Wyatt, Willow 15-2.5 Burlingame High School
Carlson, Olivia 15-1 Centre High School
Celte, Lucie 14-10 Madison High School
Gellhaus, Taytum 14-8 Marais des Cygnes Valley High Sc
Rapp, Bailey 14-7 White City HS
Boatman, Eislee 13-11.25 Dexter
Hamlin, Maylea 13-3.25 Northern Heights High School
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Girls Pole Vault 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Peek, Audrey 9-3 Lebo High School
Hartman, Paislee 8-0 Burden Central High School
Sawyer, Cheyenne 7-11 Goessel High School
Cole, Hana 7-0 Olpe High School
Skalsky, Lillian 7-0 Olpe High School
Voelker, Ana 6-8 Burden Central High School
Peek, Ally 6-0 Lebo High School
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Girls Shot Put 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Seele, Harper 35-9 Burlingame High School
Cook, Katie 34-4 Burden Central High School
Corter, Paige 34-2.25 Flinthills High School
Ludolph, Emily 34-0.5 Southern Coffey County High Scho
Peterson, Journey 33-9 White City HS
Barnhardt, Rachael 33-5 Lebo High School
Ohl, Karley 32-3 Southern Coffey County High Scho
Johnson, Jaitlyn 32-2 Northern Heights High School
House, Avery 30-00 Hartford High School
Shelton, Natalie 27-9.25 Dexter
Eslick, Myleigh 26-5 Marmaton Valley High School
Ellington, Lizzie 26-1.5 Colony Crest High School
Hill, Vivian 24-5 Bishop Seabury Academy
Brotz, Sydney 22-4 Northern Heights High School
Blevins, Taylen 22-4 Marmaton Valley High School
Moore, Jaslyn 21-2 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Grosvenor, Teagan 20-4.5 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Shanks, Madison 17-10 Bishop Seabury Academy
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Girls Triple Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Granere, Janae 35-10 Marmaton Valley High School
Hovestadt, Madison 34-9 Burlingame High School
Barney, Piper 34-4 Marmaton Valley High School
Garriott, Aubryn 34-2.5 Olpe High School
Celte, Lucie 33-2.5 Madison High School
Williams, Kaitlyn 32-5 Oswego High School
Carlson, Olivia 31-7.5 Centre High School
Rapp, Bailey 31-2 White City HS
Ahlsteadt, Fynlie 25-3 Burden Central High School
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